Sam R


Sam R


I’m Sam! I have a degree in Economics from Cambridge and over 1500 hours of tutoring experience. My mission is to accelerate students’ progress along the shortest path to success. I love systematically breaking down exams with students to assist them on the right path. We use premium software packages to facilitate learning. This includes Bitpaper, a professional whiteboard. This service allows our lessons to be highly interactive and engaging. We track progress using an online spreadsheet. I tutor full-time and the service is correspondingly professional. During the 2022/23 exam period, 38 students worked with me on a weekly basis. In the next academic year, I hope to help even more! 
Subjects: Economics (KS3 - University), Maths (KS2 - A-LEVEL),Admissions 
Exam types :7+ Maths , 11+ Maths, 13+ Maths,  GCSE Maths , A-LEVEL Maths, GCSE Economics, A-LEVEL Economics, University Economics